Which programme to choose?


ICAST offers Master by coursework and by research programme, so students can do their research programme by project or thesis mode.

1. Course Work & Intensive Literary Research

“A broad and in-depth understanding of key and contemporary topics in waqf, from which students can then launch into more detailed investigation of research literature.”

A broad and in-depth understanding of key and contemporary topics in waqf, from which students can then launch into more detailed investigation of research literature. The coursework requirements include research seminars of waqf, with the objective of students toward current research frontiers.

2.  Internship & Field Research (Methodology)

Integrate accredited academic coursework with period of supervised, relevant experiences in the waqf institutions. This programme involves comprehensive, independent research under the supervision of waqf academic experts. It does not only provide students with an opportunity to learn theories of waqf but also a platform to make waqf a result-oriented investment.

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